Kinder und Jugendliche im Kontext häuslicher Gewalt – Risiken und Folgen

Levendosky, Alytia A., Bogat, G. Anne, Bernard, Nicola & Garcia, Antonia (2018). The effects of intimate partner violence on the early caregiving system. In Maria Muzik & Katherine Rosenblum (Hrsg.), Motherhood in the Face of Trauma. Cham: Springer (S. 39-5)4.

Lundy, Matra & Grossman, Susan F. (2005). The mental health and service needs of young children exposed to domestic violence: Supportive data. Families in Society, 86, 17-29.

McCloskey, Laura A. & Stuewig, Jeffrey (2001). The quality of peer relationships among children exosed to family violence. Development and Psychopathology, 13, 83–96.

McGuigan, William M. & Pratt, Clara C. (2001). The predictive impact of domestic violence on three types of child maltreatment. Child abuse & neglect, 25, 869-883.

McIntosh, Jennifer E., Tan, Evelin S., Levendosky, Alytia A. & Holtzworth-Munroe, Amy (2019). Mothers’ experience of intimate partner violence and subsequent offspring attachment security ages 1–5 years: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Narayan, Angela J., Labella, Madelyn H., Englund, Michelle M., Carlson, Elizabeth A. & Egeland, Byron (2017). The legacy of early childhood violence exposure to adulthood intimate partner violence: Variable-and person-oriented evidence. Journal of family psychology, 31, 833-843.

Noble-Carr, Debbie, Moore, Tim & McArthur, Morag (2019). The nature and extent of qualitative research conducted with children about their experiences of domestic violence: findings from a meta-synthesis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.